Neurodiverse Voices Not Heard: Are They Harder to Reach or Easier to Ignore
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
12:30 - 14:00 GMT
About the event
Intersectionality is a framework for understanding how an individual's social, cultural and political identity can combine to create discrimination and privilege (Kimberlé Crenshaw, 1989). When we look at neurodiversity through the lens of intersectionality, some neurodiverse individuals can experience a perfect storm of exclusion, creating even more significant obstacles to success.
It can result in a convergence of stereotypes, forces people to hide parts of themselves constantly and it hits hard. Some neurodiverse individuals can be doubly (or triply) oppressed.
In addition, these individuals often don't have a voice or the confidence to speak up. Some young people can receive a diagnosis early in life, with the support of their parents and educational professionals. But many others only receive their diagnosis much later in life, not at all, or even receive a diagnosis when they are in prison.
Please join us for a panel discussion where we explore how we can reach the voices in our community that are less seldom heard and create a neuroinclusive world for all. We will explore topics such as:
How neurodiversity is intertwined with gender, sexual orientation, mental health, race, and more
Moving away from a defensive position and enabling open conversations to happen without fear
Not having to prove yourself more than others
Valuing each person for who they are
Recognising where discrimination is happening and being able to call it out with confidence
Reflecting and being humble to our mistakes
Avoiding one-off campaigns or tokenistic projects because they look good
This is a free online event via Zoom.

Host: Atif Choudhury, Founder & CEO of Diversity and Ability
Onyinye Udokporo, CEO & Founder at Enrich Learning, EdTech Entrepreneur, Educator, Public Speaker and Dyslexic Author
Marcia Brissett-Bailey, Special Needs Consultant
Nahid Behzadi, Learning Manager, Crisis Skylight London
Brian Lutchmiah, Manager, Inclusive Education, D&A